Employment With Our SCL, Michelle P., & EPSDT Programs
Thank you for your interest in becoming a team member at STRIDE. Every individual we serve deserves the best programs. No matter how much planning we put into them, without the right staff, they won't be effective.
If you are going to apply for a job with us, you must know four things:
1) We hire as though we are hiring someone to work with our own family member. We are extremely protective of the individuals we serve and will be very picky who we hire. You will need to demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the quality of life for the individuals we serve.
2) We will turn away two or three times as many people than we actually hire. We would rather hold on off offering services to more people until we find the right staff, rather than just hire to fill a space.
3) If you are currently working with another agency who provides these services, you will be expected to work out a proper notice and we will not ask you to recruit participants to come with you. Where a person receives services is their choice and you should not try an influence that. Any person offering to "bring participants or other staff members with them" will not be considered for a job.
4) We are not hiring babysitters. The staff we hire will be expected to lead active programs and outings for those people we serve. As administrators we will make sure you are prepared, educated, and compensated to do so.
You can click on one of the job descriptions below to find out more information on the positions.